Yesterday the fiance and I spent quite a bit of time working on the backyard. We bought gravel, rocks, and yet another plant.
Its all starting to come together. I can't wait until the plants are full grown so I can really see how it will all tun out. A couple of the plants are annuals but mostly I only got perennials so they can grow very large.
We also put up the birdhouse and the bird feeder I got. Now I just need to find a bird bath that I like. Even though everything is very small right now its already starting to have an effect. I have seen more little birds in my backyard then ever before. Even more honey bees then I am used to.
Above are pictures of just part of the backyard.
Nice photographs, and it sounds as if your back yard is coming along nicely too!
ReplyDeleteWe have eight bird feeders, and two bird baths. One concrete and one plastic. I actually find the plastic one easier to clean.
Looks like you are using a Canon Rebel xsi, how do you like it? Good little camera!
I'll have to look around and see who has a good plastic bird bath. Thats a good idea. I haven't even thought about the cleaning part of owning one!
ReplyDeleteYep, its a Canon xsi. Could you actually tell from looking at the pictures? Or did you see my old post talking about it? Lol. I love the camera. I just bought it about two months ago so I could start practicing taking pictures. I almost got the Canon 40D but decided to get the cheaper one and invest in lenses first. I haven't bought one yet though because I can't make up my mind which one to get first. The lens I am using is actually off of my old film Canon Rebel GII.