Thursday, May 7, 2009


This Saturday May 9th will be the latest protest in front of all Petland stores. Join your fellow animal lovers in trying to stop this corporation from continuing to support animal cruelty.

If you don't already know (and I sure hope you do) Petland buys their puppies from puppy mills. If you ask the company they will tell you they do not buy from puppy mills. Well technically, they don't. What they do is buy their dogs from brokers who in turn get the dogs from puppy mills. Its the same thing!

Dogs in puppy mills are almost always abused, sick, and malnutritioned. The parents of these puppies spend their whole lives living in small cages never being allowed out to walk or play. They are forced to breed over and over until they are no longer able and then left to die. It is common to see dead dogs mixed in with live dogs in the breeding cages.

When a rescue company approached Petland and asked for the names of the companies they got their dogs from Petland refused to provide the information. If you weren't doing anything wrong then why would you refuse? They claim to be from reputable breeders. I know if I got my dog from a reputable breeder I wouldn't be scared to say who it was. I would be proud!

Please take the time to check out these web sites and learn more about the cruel practices Petland supports.

Okay. Lets go into fantasy world for a minute and pretend that Petland is telling the truth. The dogs come from glorious farms where they are free to frolic all day with their parents. They are fed great food and receive veterinary attention whenever it is even thought it was needed. They have room to run and the parents are happy dogs that are well socialized. Okay here we are in happy world.... I STILL think that Petland should stop selling puppies and supporting the over breeding of dogs in America. Our shelters are full to the brim and dogs and puppies are euthanized everyday because there is not enough room to keep them. Why should we keep breeding puppies just so a business like Petland can continue making money? How about we think of all the dogs suffering right this very second first? Lets give them a chance!

PLEASE. Stop shopping at Petland!!

1 comment:

  1. Just this last week I talked to someone who was saying they had stopped with their kids at a pet store to look at the puppies and oh how cute they were. And I was like "are you fn kidding me? You actually went in and ooohed and aaahed over pet store puppies?", and went into my puppy mill speech.

    And I had a cousin in from out of town this weekend who asked how could I stand to watch so many Animal Planet shows on puppy mills or dog abuse, "I just can't watch because it breaks my heart", and I go into my "are you fn kidding me? Don't you realize that putting your head in the sand is one of the reasons things like this can continue, and ignorance doesn't help the cause! Watch, be sad and mad and enraged, because that's when you want to get involved!".

    Great post.
