Sunday, May 31, 2009

Mystery Shopping

I just recently started as a mystery shopper. Won't tell you where I do it or who I do it for though. Sorry :) I will tell you that its fun but there is a lot of work that goes along with it. The actual shopping is easy but you have to fill out a report afterwards. There are opportunities to shop fast food locations, restaurants, retail stores, pharmacies, hotels and more. If you are interested in learning more go to I have found the website very helpful. There is also a forum where you can speak to other shoppers about their work.

1 comment:

  1. I did this for a while about a year ago. Enjoyed it, but geez it was hard work! Filling out the work sheet for the fast food joints was horrible, especially at McDonalds. I was just not coordinated enough to do the timing stuff while still placing/receiving an order and having to talk at the same time, and be observant of the surroundings. But good luck to you!
