Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Canon DSLR

About a month ago I bought myself a new SLR camera. I got the Canon Digital Rebel 450D. I was very close getting the 40D but since I don't take pictures for a living I figure I would start smaller and save the money to start investing in new lenses instead.

I haven't bought a new lens yet. I am still trying to decide if I want a good zoom lens or if I want to get a macro lens. I would love the macro to take pictures of the plants animals and insects that make it to my backyard. But a good zoom lens would work a lot better for the trips my fiance and I like going on.

Until I make that decision I will continue to use the lens that I got off my old film SLR camera. Above are a few pictures I took of the new plants I just put in my backyard over the weekend.

County Home and Garden Show

I went to the county home and garden show on Saturday. It was the best home and garden show I have seen. There seemed to be more vendors there then usual. Maybe its because of the economy they are more willing to get out and get themselves seen.

There were about 6 nurseries at the show. Those were what I was really on the lookout for. I wanted to get some ideas to work on my backyard habitat I am attempting to do. I got some really good ideas... now I just need the money to do them!

I did pick up some plants from the show and got prices from local companies for bark, mulch, and rocks. Even the local high school's FFA was there selling plants that they grew at the school. I was happy to be able to support them.

Friday, March 27, 2009

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

I just finished reading the book 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne yesterday. I have to say I was sadly disappointed. Yes, it was a good book, but nothing I would want to read again.

The book could have been about 5 chapters shorter if they didn't have to name every fish and whale that swims in the ocean. And the ending gave absolutely no explanation at all. But I read it, and enjoyed the good parts of the book. Just be warned though it can be a slow read at times.

Eagle Pack Holistic Dog Food

I try to feed my dogs only the best when it comes to dry dog food. They are like my children to me and after the big food recall I started to pay attention to what was in dog food.

Eagle Pack Holistic is one (of three) of the dog foods I decided would be best for my chihuahua and my border collie mix.

Today my mom forwarded me an email she received with a $3 off coupon. This food isn't cheap so I'm excited. Anything to save a couple bucks in this economy.

If you want to sign up to receive these coupons also go to their website and sign up for their newsletter. It also gives you great pet raising advice and has a question and answer section.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Butte Humane Society

Last year in April I adopted my dog from the Butte Humane Society located in Chico, California. There is not enough amazing things I can say about this shelter. Its is a low-kill shelter - I don't know if they ever kill actually.

This shelter is known for going to other high-kill shelters in the state to rescue dogs about to be euthanized. Whenever they have space available they make sure to use it and save another dog or cats life. This is exactly what they did with my dog. Scout was originally at the Merced Animal Control and the Butte Humane Society worked with their volunteers to save my dog and a few others from the shelter so they would not be euthanized.

Well now this wonderful shelter has the opportunity to win a 1 million dollar makeover. I don't know of any shelter more deserving. ZooToo currently placed them into phase two of the competition.

If you want to know how you can help the Butte Humane Society win this desperately needed makeover please visit their website at http://www.buttehumane.org

Backyard Wildlife Habitat

Currently I am in the process of landscaping my backyard. My fiance and I bought our house a few years ago and when we bought it the backyard was dirt. Since then we have installed an automatic sprinkler system and laid sod. We also installed a small pond, planted two trees and have some flowers and vines. (My passionflower vine is my favorite as it is beautiful and attracts the largest bumble bees I have ever seen). I want to take this further and try to make an actual habitat for birds, bees, and butterflies.

I love the outdoors and nature and what could be better then having it in my own backyard? Over the past weekend we have dug up some of the grass that was planted so more plants can be put in. I have a dwarf orange tree in my backyard I plan on moving to the east side so I can plant a larger shade tree on the west side. Then I will start looking at buying more perennials and vines.

This weekend is my county's home and garden show. I am hoping to come out of their with fresh new ideas so I can get started on planting this weekend.

My First Blog

I have, after much consideration, decided to start my very own blog. I can't claim it will be the least bit interesting to anyone, my only goal is that it will give me something to do to pass the time.

I am a very eclectic type of person with an interest in many different things. Whether it be types of music I listen to, TV shows I watch, or what I like to do in my spare time. I've been this way for as long as I can remember. Back in high school someone did their senior report on cliques and I ended up in the group "who could hang out with anyone".

Most my coworkers claim I act very mature for my age - I think they don't know me well enough :) I just get my job done and get it done right. Its not my fault all the other young people in my office are slackers. Maybe their parents never taught them about morals.