Thursday, March 26, 2009

Butte Humane Society

Last year in April I adopted my dog from the Butte Humane Society located in Chico, California. There is not enough amazing things I can say about this shelter. Its is a low-kill shelter - I don't know if they ever kill actually.

This shelter is known for going to other high-kill shelters in the state to rescue dogs about to be euthanized. Whenever they have space available they make sure to use it and save another dog or cats life. This is exactly what they did with my dog. Scout was originally at the Merced Animal Control and the Butte Humane Society worked with their volunteers to save my dog and a few others from the shelter so they would not be euthanized.

Well now this wonderful shelter has the opportunity to win a 1 million dollar makeover. I don't know of any shelter more deserving. ZooToo currently placed them into phase two of the competition.

If you want to know how you can help the Butte Humane Society win this desperately needed makeover please visit their website at

1 comment:

  1. Many of our animals have been shelter rescues over the last 35 years, and a lot of strays. Charity, a terrier mix we have now, was literally an hour away from being euthenized when I was sent to get her by an airedale rescue group. I was going to foster her, but we've now had her for seven years! I used to do rescue and fostering, but now just do transport for several rescue groups. I don't deal with the shelter much here except to complain about different neighbors who are neglecting their pets, and apparently the attitude is that "if they have an igloo, there's nothing we can do". So even if there's no shade, no bedding, no water, three year build up of poop in a pen, too bad for them. But don't get me started on that!
